Monday, November 27, 2006


So the whiney Welsh officials wanted the AB’s to perform the Haka in between National anthems on Sunday in order for them to sing a hymn in response to our challenge.
We refused to bow to Welsh requests & the Team preformed the Haka in the dressing room. When it became obvious to the crowd during Sundays Test Match that the AB’s were not going to throw down the challenge on the field the crowd booed. We then proceeded to show them how to play rugby.
The Welsh have now spat the dummy, saying they are taking this to the IRB if the AB’s will not play nice….

A few facts, to help clarify this issue.

Maori advisers are correct when they tell the Welsh that a response is required once the Haka has been performed, however that response should be in the form of a similar war dance NOT your National anthem.

The Haka is performed for the benefit of the TEAM, not the crowd, television & certainly not for a bunch of misinformed officials.

As I said before this tour began in my earlier piece on the Haka, it is a challenge,
Get over it.

Listening to

The sound of weeping in the Valleys

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