Monday, September 11, 2006


New Zealand rain has to be experienced to be believed. It can be fine one minute & then it is as if someone turned on the power shower. Soon it will be dry again, as we say here if you don’t like the weather in Auckland, stick around 20 minutes it will change. It really is four seasons in one day. However this weekend it chose to rain all weekend. Great for ducks & my plum tree. Hard for me & the children, who by Sunday evening were developing cabin fever.

I would not want to be an Australian icon at this moment in time It sad enough that they Lost Steve Irwin a week ago, but this weekend brought the news that another Aussie hero Steve Brock died competing in a rally in Western Australia. My guess is that The Wiggles will have gone in to hiding.

Here in Aeoteoroa we have more pressing issues like the future of Auckland. I have yet to come across a bureaucracy as archaic as the one that runs our City. It makes the administrators in Kafka’s trial look streamlined. Imagine a city of 1 million people that needs 4 major councils plus a regional council with all their attendant civil servants to run it. No wonder nothing ever gets done & that we end up with 5 of everything (Stadiums been a good example)
What we need is one Mayor, 1 council & a big pair of scissors to cut up the costs.
That felt good.

Listening to

The sound of the rain

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